News to Use

Shhhhh! I’m NaNoing.

Sorry it’s been a little quiet around the “Romp” lately. I’ve been NaNoing. I just hit 30K words and I think I’ve found my ideal daily word count – 2500/day. It keeps me in character for a few hours. It stretches me. It feels hard but doable. It knocks off a couple of short chapters,… Read more »

Pay it Forward Friday – FRED

I just read about FRED, Fathers Ready Every Day, yesterday in my local paper. As a project designed by Texas A&M, FRED’s goal is to encourage father-child involvement and daily rituals of bonding and learning between children and positive male role models. The website provides a reading log and other tools to get started. Pass… Read more »

National Novel Writing Month – I’m Jumping In

I just signed up for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). I’m s-o-o-o-o excited. NaNoWriMo begins November 1st. It’s touted as “Thirty Days and Nights of Literary Abandon!” How can I resist? I’ve written three other novels which are at various stages of resting and revision. But they weren’t written under pressure. I noodled around with… Read more »

Picture Book Peek Week #3 – And the Winners Are…

What a terrific batch of titles. And it looks like everyone was able to post without a problem this time – I hope. So without further ado … the winners of Picture Book Peek Week #3 are IT’S A SECRETFAR ABOVESANDY ANDY Please e-mail your manuscripts as Word attachments to reidy(dot)jean(at)gmail(dot)com.

Random Acts of Publicity Week – Judith Snyder

Darcy Pattison’s Random Acts of Publicity Week began last Tuesday and I’ve decided to focus my not-so-random acts on one of my crit buddies, Judith Snyder. Judith is a teacher, school librarian and storyteller – she knows children’s literature. And even though she’s so very talented, Judith is soft-spoken and VERY humble. Tooting her own… Read more »