News to Use

Oh My Goodness! I’ve Sold Another Book!!

Yippee! Here’s the official announcement: CHILDREN’S PICTURE BOOK: THERE’S A CORNER IN MY HOUSE by Jean Reidy, to be illustrated by Robert Neubecker, creator of WOW! CITY and WOW! SCHOOL! A subversive look at what might happen when a kid with a big imagination is stuck in time out, to Tamson Weston at Disney Hyperion,… Read more »

Top 10 Picture Books – Oh How to Decide?

New York librarian, Elizabeth Bird is currently challenging all her blog readers to list their top 10 favorite picture books. She’ll then compile the results and come up with an overall top 10 from all our top 10s. Believe me, this was tough. Because my choices depend on whether I go back to my childhood,… Read more »

A Look Inside a SOUL!

My crit buddy David Macinnis Gill is up on Amazon and you can take a peak inside his soon-to-be released YA Soul Enchilada. I adored this book from the first draft. And now, bagging a starred review from Kirkus, Soul must make it to the top of your “must read” list. Can’t wait until April,… Read more »

Golden Kite Award Winners!!

Look at what I just picked up from Elisabeth Bird’s Blog. Congratulations to all the winners. THE SOCIETY OF CHILDREN’S BOOK WRITERS AND ILLUSTRATORS ANNOUNCES THE WINNERS AND HONOREES OF THE 2009 GOLDEN KITE AWARDS The Golden Kite Award is the only award presented to children’s book authors and artists by their peers. Golden Kite… Read more »

Share a Story – Shape a Future – Literacy Blog Tour

I’m constantly impressed by creative uses of blogs, social networking sites and the internet in general. And when they’re combined with a terrific cause, like literacy, well then WOOT! WOOT! From the Share a Story – Shape a Future blog (logo artist Elizabeth Dulemba): “Within the kidlitosphere, the children’s literature bloggers comprise and reach a… Read more »

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!

It’s Dr. Seuss’s 105th birthday. Let’s have a blog party. Our guests are here.Let the party begin.Are you partying too?Then link right in. Here are a few folks with their party hats on: GEEKDAD FROM WIRED.COM U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT MENTAL FLOSSHAVE FUN TEACHING TECH SAVVY MAMA BOOKMARK SANTA CLARA COUNTY LIBRARY LOS ANGELES… Read more »

Why I’m Crying over the final edition of the Rocky Mountain News

The front page headline “Stop the Presses” The newsroom photos of the last day 55 days before its 150th birthday John Temple’s goodbye The timeline and photos of the most memorable front pages The display of amazing artwork that donned historic front pages reminding me of immense publishing pride The obituaries of founders, editors and… Read more »

Last Day of Publication for the Rocky is Tomorrow!

As a subscriber, I just received an e-mail informing me that tomorrow is the last day of publication for Colorado’s Rocky Mountain News. This tabloid format newspaper has been my breakfast read since I moved here in 1981. But on a more poignant note, The Rocky is where I garnered my first clips. So long… Read more »