News to Use

I’m Having a TOO PURPLEY! Party!!

I’m having a party!!!TOO PURPLEY! ONLINE OPEN HOUSEWhen: 1/25-1/31, 2010Where: www.jeanreidy.comWho: Anyone who loves children’s booksWhat: Party favors, Door prizes, games, videos and more!! Teachers/Librarians – win a 30 minute Skype author visit or The Grand Prize TOO PURPLEY! Package. Authors – win a Picture Book Peek Critique Please help me spread the word. If… Read more »

Pay it Forward Friday – Shannon Caster

When my boys were young, they were experts in the non-fiction section of the library.“Tornadoes are over here!”“Dinosaurs are over here!”“I found MONSTERS OF THE DEEP!” That’s why my shout out this week goes to my good friend and critique buddy, Shannon Caster. Shannon writes the articles and books that make curious kids race to… Read more »

Happy Birthday, Molly!!

I can’t believe my baby is 17 today. This one’s for you Miss Molly. Life With a Party Girl By Jean Reidy (originally published in FamilyFun August 2003) “Mom, if I have the ‘Winter Beach Bash’ birthday party, can my friends still sleep over?” Molly, my nine-year-old, asks. “Huh?” I’m studying the pantry shelves hoping… Read more »

Scones and Sensibility Release Day!!

YIPPEE! IT’S FINALLY HERE. Join the adventures of middle-grade matchmaker Polly in this fun and funny new novel written by my darling critique buddy, Lindsay Eland. SCONES AND SENSIBILITY is available TODAY – just in time for those lucky girls on your Christmas list. Read about the sweet and talented author, Lindsay Jo Eland.Then read… Read more »

Agent Appreciation Day: Erin Murphy

Top 10 reasons why I love my agent: 10. She represents picture book authors.9. She’s a hands-on, editorial agent. Nothing goes out until it’s perfect.8. She loves my projects – not all, but most.7. She gently nudges me in the best direction for my career.6. She responds to my e-mails by the end of the… Read more »

Pay it Forward Friday – Bridget Zinn Auction

Bridget’s friends have done it again. Please check out the online auction – Bridget Kicks Cancer – for my fellow author and librarian Bridget Zinn. From the auction website: “All proceeds from this auction will go to Bridget Zinn and Barrett Dowell. Bridget is a 32-year-old author and librarian who was diagnosed with colon cancer… Read more »

Talking about Titles – More Links

A few more folks are talking about titles: Jill Corcoran, Literary Agent – your title is your billboard.Editorial Anonymous – a fabulous title can move you to the top of the slush. See my original post for more discussion on the importance of titles.

Shhhhh! I’m NaNoing.

Sorry it’s been a little quiet around the “Romp” lately. I’ve been NaNoing. I just hit 30K words and I think I’ve found my ideal daily word count – 2500/day. It keeps me in character for a few hours. It stretches me. It feels hard but doable. It knocks off a couple of short chapters,… Read more »