
Another Idea for Author Spots Bookfair Videos

I’m signing at a Barnes & Noble School Bookfair next week, but I’m not able to visit the school prior to the fair. So, instead, I offered the school an Author Spot. Here’s the Spot they’re showing during the week before their fair. I’ve already received feedback from the librarian that the kids love it!… Read more »

Light Up the Library 1 Year Later … Win A LIGHT UP THE NIGHT Classroom Pack!

During November-December 2011, a group of awesome book-loving, generous folks came together in the Light Up the Library Auction. Using the proceeds from the auction, thousands of books were shipped via container through the Books for Africa organization to Uganda. And one of the beneficiaries was a new library at Musana Children’s Home – a… Read more »

A Very Old Winnie the Pooh

A good friend who’s studying at Cambridge visited us over the Christmas holidays for a little skiing and relaxation. Then, a couple weeks later, we received this with his thank you note. I didn’t know that Milne was a student at Cambridge. As you can see, this was ONLY the 68th printing of the book…. Read more »

ALL THROUGH MY TOWN Picture Book Peek 3/11/13!

ALL THROUGH MY TOWN is out in bookstores and libraries throughout my town AND YOURS! “This adorable trip around town will be a big hit with any toddler who has ever been a passenger alongside a busy grownup with errands to run. With fun-packed illustrations for little ones to look at again and again and a… Read more »

Appearances All Through My Town … and Yours!

In addition to my Skype and school visits, I’ll be reading, signing and celebrating all my books – including my latest book ALL THROUGH MY TOWN at: April 2 – Mountains and Plains Bookseller Association S pring MeetingAuthor Meet and Greet at the Boulder BookstoreBoulder, Colorado April 19-22 – International Reading Association Annual ConventionSan Antonio,… Read more »