
Totally Random Q: Story Status Quo and Problem Clues

I’ve been listening to Ann M. Martin’s HERE TODAY on CD and I’m been intrigued by how Martin develops the status quo in her story yet also drops hints as to the story problem. For example, in the opening pages, when Doris, the MC’s mom, begins her supermarket sweep one of the onlookers remarks “She’s… Read more »

Totally Random Q: Busting through Bad Writing

So I’m staring at my latest work-in-progress and today I happen to be hating it — the plot, the voice, you name it. It all sounds like “blah, blah, blah” to me. I know every writer, even the bestselling author, experiences this. When the honeymoon of that first inspiration is over and you wake up… Read more »

Too Matchy!

So last Sunday in church I saw “Too Matchy” – a toddler girl dressed from head to toe in this outrageous red floral print from the bow in her hair down to her tights and shoes. My immediate reaction was, “Poor thing.” The girl wasn’t smiling. Okay she may have been just tired, or cranky… Read more »