Tools for the Taking

The Necessary Work of Downtime

How many of you meditate? Take a daily walk? Go for a run without your iPod? If no downtime is built into your day, you may consider it too much of a luxury in an already over-scheduled life. But, in fact, practices like meditation or quiet walks are a necessary part of your writing work… Read more »

I Love Picture Books – Peek Week #10 – February 14th!

 It’s a Valentine’s Day Picture Book Peek WeekFree critique of a selected picture book manuscript It begins February 14th! Here’s how it works: Sign up for a critique by entering your picture book WORKING TITLE in the comment section of this blog post anytime (midnight to midnight Mountain Time) on February 14th. Titles submitted before… Read more »

Examine Your Scene Arcs with Chapter Titles

I’m currently revising my latest middle grade novel and going through the exercise of dropping the chapters into a spreadsheet with columns labeled for chapter numbers, chapter description, setting, and a column for each major character where I place an “x” if the character appears in the chapter. This helps me find scenes more easily… Read more »

Picture Book Peek: Critique and Copies for a Cause!!!

Bridget Zinn’s family and friends are stepping up again with another auction to help Bridget in her battle with cancer. My Thanksgiving Picture Book Peek Week will be a part of this auction. I’ll be donating one fiction picture book (up to 1000 words) manuscript critique as well as signed copies of TOO PURPLEY! and… Read more »

Pay it Forward Friday: Getting Over Your Perspective

I got a chance to share one of my favorite writing exercises on My Word Playground. If you haven’t visited Lynne Marie’s blog yet, check it out. It’s full of thoughtful prompts, exercises and general advice for children’s writers. While our lives and experiences provide inspiration for a playground full of stories, our perspective can… Read more »

Hail to the Hashtag!

I’ve been Twittering for a while. But as for it’s features, efficiencies and value, I’ve been sold on it slowly. TweetDeck satisfied my CPA column craving, allowing me to categorize and organize those I follow into a tidy format. That tool alone boosted my Twitter presence considerably. But hashtags were always a bit of a… Read more »