Tools for the Taking

Creating the perfect “inciting incident”

When I’ve finished reading Les Edgerton’s HOOKED: WRITE FICTION THAT GRABS READERS AT PAGE ONE AND NEVER LETS THEM GO, I plan on writing a review – a stellar review – because I’m completely taken with his pin-point logic, instruction and examples. I’m about halfway through so you’ll have to hold your breath. But in… Read more »

Great Article on Picture Book Writing!

After this past week of blogging about perfect picture book words, a message board buddy asked me to critique her picture book manuscript today. It’s always fun to let the text tumble around in my brain where it can be met with illustrations from my imagination. That’s why they’re called picture books after all. But… Read more »

For the Social Media Newbie!!

What a find!!Here it is, all in one place. Amber Naslund so generously offers a complete guide to most of our favorite networking sites including Twitter in her Social Media Starter Kit.