News to Use

Strong Feelings from Light Hearted Article

When I wrote my article Preschool Wardrobe Wars which appeared Monday in the New York Times Motherlode blog, I knew the topic was universal. After all, that’s why I wrote TOO PURPLEY! But I didn’t expect so much emotion to surround what I considered a humorous and mostly harmless issue. Based on the growing list… Read more »

The Wheels on This Bus …

Ha ha ha. For some strange age-induced, hard-drive-overload, blocked-childhood reason, it never occurred to me that the title of my latest picture book is the repeating stanza of the song I sang to my kids endlessly. YIKES! Here’s the PM announcement: Author of TOO PURPLEY! and TOO PICKLEY! Jean Reidy’s ALL THROUGH THE TOWN, with… Read more »

Picture Book Peek: Critique and Copies for a Cause!!!

Bridget Zinn’s family and friends are stepping up again with another auction to help Bridget in her battle with cancer. My Thanksgiving Picture Book Peek Week will be a part of this auction. I’ll be donating one fiction picture book (up to 1000 words) manuscript critique as well as signed copies of TOO PURPLEY! and… Read more »

2010 National Book Award Finalists

FINALISTS FOR 2010 NATIONAL BOOK AWARDS Fiction Peter Carey, Parrot and Olivier in America (Alfred A. Knopf) Jaimy Gordon, Lord of Misrule (McPherson & Co.) Nicole Krauss, Great House (W.W. Norton & Co.) Lionel Shriver, So Much for That (Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers) Karen Tei Yamashita, I Hotel (Coffee House Press) Nonfiction Barbara Demick,… Read more »

The Temptation to Teach a Lesson

I recently autographed dozens of bookplates for TOO PICKLEY! with personalizations for children, but requested primarily by adults. In many of the requests, I was instructed to inscribe mini-warnings like “Remember to eat your veggies” or “Fruits come first.” I find it interesting that, as adults, we can’t seem to let go of those “teachable… Read more »