This Wednesday March 9th is World Read Aloud Day. You can read more about that here.
In the morning I’ll be doing Skype Read Alouds with the following schools:
Early Childhood School, Frisco, TX
Pembroke Hill & Village Schools, Pembroke, NH
But for the afternoon, I’m thinking about a random read aloud idea called “Books and Blankets.”
Actually, I’ve been considering this for a few weeks now, in and out of the sphere of World Read Aloud Day.
My idea is a simple one.
- Go to a local library and check out a full bag of great read aloud picture books OR fill a bag from your home library.
- Pack up a blanket or two or three and head to an inner-city park or rec center, a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter – anyplace where you can find kids who might not have someone reading to them on a regular basis. (I know access might be an issue here. I also know my favorite soup kitchen is limited in space, but I’m not letting go of the idea.)
- Set yourself up on a blanket. Spread a few more blankets out for your listeners. And read. Read. Read. Read. Read out loud, that is, and see who joins you.
Would anyone care to try “Books and Blankets” with me? Crazy you say? Probably. But here’s my alternate challenge.
Find someone, anyone, and treat them to a random read aloud on 3/9. Perhaps it’s an unsuspecting grandchild or student or friend. It can be anyone, anywhere. Then stop back by and tell us about it. How did you feel about it? How did your listeners react?
And, of course, if anyone wants to chime in on my “Books and Blankets” idea, please do. I’d love to hear from you.
Okay, so where did I take my books and blankets yesterday afternoon?<br /><br />To the Sun Valley Youth Center who's mission is "Empowering youth to help them reach their God Given Potential." <br /><br />Yes, I did scope out this turf ahead of time, and yes I did e-mail the site director to see if she'd even let me in the door. But it certainly felt random when I got the go
Here's the link to the Sun Valley Youth Center if you'd like to take a peek:<br />