
Random Acts of Publicity Week

The amazing writer/teacher/mentor/blogger Darcy Pattison has declared September 7-11 Random Acts of Publicity Week. And I’m excited about these fun four days of spreading the word about my fellow authors and their work. Darcy will offer daily suggestions for both online and offline promotion activities. Here’s the schedule: Tuesday: Word of MouthWednesday: ReviewsThursday: LinksFriday: Social… Read more »

ABC’s of Writing – Verla Tells All

Here’s a question I see frequently in my inbox. I’ve got a friend/uncle/daughter who’s written a children’s book. She needs a publisher. Do you have any advice? And the answer is certainly “YES, YES, YES!” Generally I respond to these queries with links to my favorite writing websites, blogs, boards and books. But the generous… Read more »

For the Love of 49 Words: You say “Purply” and I say “Purpley.”

I couldn’t be more excited about finding TOO PURPLEY! on Amazon. And if you should search on my author name, you’ll see the paperback U.K. version right there next to the U.S. hardcover. Now look closely. The U.K. title is actually TOO PURPLY! That makes me smile. Why? Because my editor spent tons of time… Read more »

Playing with the Publishometer

I’m playing with the Publishometer from Editorial Anonymous. I so adore objective ranking systems that I can manipulate as my ego permits. Ah, to be Paris Hilton for a day … but that might eject me from the kidlitosphere for good.