
Pay It Forward Friday – Elizabeth Dulemba

Darcy Pattison’s Random Acts of Publicity Week left me inspired with the power of the simple promotional push. So I’m adding to my blog “Pay It Forward Fridays.” When I can, I’ll be highlighting books, events and other news in the life of one of my fellow writers. This week it’s: Elizabeth Dulemba’s Blog Tour… Read more »

Picture Book Peek Week #3 – And the Winners Are…

What a terrific batch of titles. And it looks like everyone was able to post without a problem this time – I hope. So without further ado … the winners of Picture Book Peek Week #3 are IT’S A SECRETFAR ABOVESANDY ANDY Please e-mail your manuscripts as Word attachments to reidy(dot)jean(at)gmail(dot)com.

Top 10 Picture Book Takeaways from the RMC-SCBWI Conference

My Top 10 Picture Book Takeaways from the RMC-SCBWI Conference 10. Beware of dialog-heavy picture book manuscripts. 9. The only beef editors and agents have against rhyming picture books is that they’re so often poorly written. 8. Manuscripts need to be more perfect than ever before they’re ready for submission. 7. While marketing yourself is… Read more »

Random Acts of Publicity Week – Judith Snyder

Darcy Pattison’s Random Acts of Publicity Week began last Tuesday and I’ve decided to focus my not-so-random acts on one of my crit buddies, Judith Snyder. Judith is a teacher, school librarian and storyteller – she knows children’s literature. And even though she’s so very talented, Judith is soft-spoken and VERY humble. Tooting her own… Read more »