
Light Up the Library Auction Items Still Under $25

As of the date and time of this post, the highest bids on the following items were still under $25. Stop on by to put in YOUR bids on these screamin’ deals.  Skype Visit and Autographed Book from Author of WHAT DO YOU SEE? Signed Print from artist and author Melissa Conroy – “Juliette in… Read more »

Do You Need a Critique Group, Writing Buddy or Someone to Help Push Your Story Over the Top? YES!

We’ve all been there. Maybe you’re new to writing. Or maybe you’ve been writing for a while but location has made it difficult to find a critique group. Maybe you’re in between writing groups or writing buddies because of a move or because the fit just didn’t feel right. Writing in a vacuum can be… Read more »

Some Amazing Opportunities for Picture Book Writers!

Hi all, Since I won’t be holding any more PB Peek Weeks during 2011, I wanted to point you to some amazing opportunities for picture book writers over at my LIGHT UP THE LIBRARY AUCTION. And some are still going for bargain prices. Check these out. Manuscript Critique from Agent Ammi-Joan Paquette Book Manuscript… Read more »

Incredible Opportunities for MG and YA Writers!

Hi all, I want to point you to some amazing opportunities I have for MG and YA writers at my LIGHT UP THE LIBRARY ONLINE AUCTION:Manuscript Critique from Agent Ammi-Joan Paquette Pages or 5 Picture Books – It’s Your Pick With Agent Erin Murphy! signed copy of BAD TASTE IN BOYS plus a… Read more »

Melissa Conroy Author and Artist and Her Writer’s Block Monster

My guest blogger today is Melissa Conroy (Yes! She has a famous author dad!) whose sweet new book Grandma is an Author releases today. It’s an interactive story and journal about creativity and writers’ block. But after visiting her amazing website and browsing her many creative endeavors, I have a hard time believing Melissa is… Read more »

Auction Preview: Middle Grade Critique Plus Signed Copy of Scones and Sensibility

Donated by: Lindsay Eland   Item Description:  Here’s your chance for a thoughtful, in-depth critique of the first 20 pages of your middle grade manuscript from a middle grade author herself, Lindsay Eland. Believe me on this – Lindsay’s critique will raise your manuscript to a whole new level of wonderful. Along with your critique, you… Read more »

Auction Preview: Picture Book Critique Plus Crescent Moon Earrings from Picture Book Star, Tara Lazar!

Donated by: Tara Lazar Item Description:  Tara Lazar writes picture books and designs jewelry. I suppose you can say she’s always creating something! For this auction, Tara offers a picture book critique (800 words or less) that is redeemable at any time for as long as she’s alive! This includes critiques on revisions of the… Read more »