Do You Need a Critique Group, Writing Buddy or Someone to Help Push Your Story Over the Top? YES!

We’ve all been there. Maybe you’re new to writing. Or maybe you’ve been writing for a while but location has made it difficult to find a critique group. Maybe you’re in between writing groups or writing buddies because of a move or because the fit just didn’t feel right. Writing in a vacuum can be not only ineffective but lonely as well.

Finally, maybe you’ve been told you’re story is “almost there,” but lacking the little bit it takes to push it over the top to being “there” instead. A fresh read from someone who is THERE might be just the spark it takes.

With heavy competition and increased selectivity in the industry, a critique group or critique buddy is practically essential to publication these days. And now, with the help of the internet, online critique groups are available too. One of my manuscripts, currently on submission, went through 2 critiques groups (one online and one face-to-face) and one critique buddy, before my agent accepted it. Believe me, you need fresh reads.

So while you’re searching for your perfect critique buddies, or if you’re trying to push that manuscript over the top, I’ve got a deal for you.

Manuscript critiques and group critique packages for all genres of children’s writers are currently going for bargain prices at my LIGHT UP THE LIBRARY ONLINE AUCTION. Check these out:

For Picture Book Writers: 

Picture Book Manuscript Critique from Editor Tamson Weston
Picture Book Manuscript Critique from Rob Sanders!
Picture Book Manuscript Critique from Award-winning author Nancy Coffelt!
Picture Book Critique PLUS Crescent Moon Earrings from PB Star Tara Lazar!
THIS TREE COUNTS! Book and Picture Book Critique

Or how about 5 PB critiques over the course of a few months? It’s like having a built-in critique group of award-winning PB writers for 5 months. Check this out!

Pick a Peck ‘o Picture Book Critiques!

For MG or YA Writers:

A signed copy of BAD TASTE IN BOYS plus a MG or YA critique from Carrie Harris
Middle Grade Critique Plus Signed Copy of Scones and Sensibility
Manuscript Consideration from Bloomsbury USA!
Middle Grade Novel Manuscript Critique from Author Mary Bartek
Middle Grade Novel Critique – First 30 Pages – from Author Mindy Hardwick!

And don’t miss these incredible novel critique packages. Again, you’d have you’re very own award-winning critique group for 5 full months!

Five Critiques, Five Authors!
Critique of the Month Club

Why turn to friends and family (unless, of course, they happen to be published authors) when you can turn to an expert? And many of these items are still screamin’ deals.

To check out all the items and the auction details please visit:

P.S. Oh – did I mention that you’d be helping build a library? What’s not to love?