home schooling

Low-Tech, At-Home Learning: Seeing the World Through Tortoise Glasses

When you change your point of view, your world grows. And that’s a beautiful thing. The following activity shows young readers what it might mean to walk in someone else’s shoes  – or see from their glasses if you will – changing their perspective or point of view. It’s based on my book, Truman. And… Read more »

Low-Tech, At-Home Learning: Your Traveler’s License and Postcards

In my book Light Up the Night, a child ventures all through his universe – all the way from his galaxy to his bedroom. And his beloved red and white blanket becomes his rocket, his spaceship, his truck, his train, his plane, etc. as he travels. What a wonderful dream for any child. Well, let’s… Read more »

Low-Tech, At-Home Learning: TRUMAN Finger-Play

Don’t we all love the amazing, free and fun programming offered by bookstores and public libraries? What a gift. But I know that with these community mainstays closed, families with little ones are missing their storytimes. Well, here’s a fun, storytime, finger-play activity (below) to practice with your young readers and listeners. It’s based on… Read more »

Low-Tech, At-Home Learning: A Pup By Any Other Name

Luna, the sea otter pup at the center of my story Pup 681 became a true celebrity when the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago teamed up with Good Morning America to hold a contest for her naming. But until she was named, she was referred to as “Pup 681” – the 681st otter to enter the otter… Read more »