In my book Light Up the Night, a child ventures all through his universe – all the way from his galaxy to his bedroom. And his beloved red and white blanket becomes his rocket, his spaceship, his truck, his train, his plane, etc. as he travels. What a wonderful dream for any child.
Well, let’s take a little time to play off that dream. Where and how would your young readers want to travel on their own imaginary trip (to New York, to the equator, to Mars)? Then create their licenses and postcards below to document their travels.
And while you don’t need my book Light Up the Night in front of you to do this activity, it’s a bonus if you do. You can buy it right here.
For more activities, explore all of my FREE and fun Curriculum and Storytime Guides linked to learning standards at
And for a complete list of all of my at-home learning activities so far, click on the #kidlitquarantine category. I’ll be posting projects regularly.
Have fun. Stay safe. And stay well.