Shedd Aquarium

It’s Sea Otter Awareness Week!

Dear Reader, It’s Sea Otter Awareness Week! Let’s spread the word! While researching my book PUP 681: A SEA OTTER RESCUE STORY, I fell in love with sea otters and learned so many fun sea otter facts. Here are a few of my favorites: Sea otters have a pocket of loose skin under their forelegs… Read more »

Low-Tech, At-Home Learning: A Pup By Any Other Name

Luna, the sea otter pup at the center of my story Pup 681 became a true celebrity when the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago teamed up with Good Morning America to hold a contest for her naming. But until she was named, she was referred to as “Pup 681” – the 681st otter to enter the otter… Read more »

Today is the Day! PUP 681 is HERE!

I’m thrilled to introduce you to my latest book PUP 681: A SEA OTTER RESCUE STORY Here’s where you can buy your copy: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and IndieBound or request it at your library.  I’ll be celebrating and signing books at (click for more information): 3/16/19  Colorado Book & Arts Festival, Arvada, CO 3/22-23/19   Children’s Festival of Stories, Denver, CO… Read more »

A Bright, Shiny Starred Review for PUP 681!

On the heels of a weekend stuffed full of gratitude, comes an extra dollop of good news … a bright, shiny starred review for PUP 681. “Unabashedly adorable.” Thank you, Kirkus! “An abandoned baby sea otter is rescued and sent to live out her life in an aquarium—where she learns the deepest meaning of “family,”… Read more »

YIPPEE! I’m Over the Moon About Luna!

If any of you know “Luna” at the Shedd Aquarium, then you can understand why I’m so, SO excited about my latest book deal for a story based on her story. If you haven’t yet met Luna, I encourage you to take a gander at the Shedd Aquarium website for a journey into adorableness. Here’s… Read more »