Colorado Gives to Reach Out and Read!

Dear Friends,

As I’m sure you know, today is Colorado Gives Day. No doubt you are receiving many emails and appeals from worthy charitable organizations throughout our great state. I hope you’ll indulge me as I ask you to join me in supporting Reach Out and Read Colorado today. Reach Out and Read Colorado has a goal of raising enough money to purchase 10,000 books in 24 hours for low-income children in our state. A gift of $100 will purchase 25 books. Donate now. I support this wonderful organization both financially and with my time as a member of its board of directors. Let me tell you why.
 Reach Out and Read Colorado works with doctors and other health care providers to give new, age-appropriate books to children at well-child visits between 6 months and 5 years of age, and to advise parents about the importance of reading aloud with their children. Studies show that early exposure to books and reading is one of the most effective ways to ensure that all children start school ready to read, learn and succeed.
Reach Out and Read is a prescription for literacy. Numerous independent, published research studies prove that it works. In addition to receiving the prestigious David M. Rubenstein award from the Library of Congress this year for its groundbreaking contribution to the sustained advancement of literacy worldwide, Reach Out and Read was recently recommended by New York Times columnist Nicholas D. Kristof in his Season of Giving column. Reach Out and Read Colorado administers the national model in our state, and currently serves about half of Colorado’s low-income children. All money donated on Colorado Gives Day will support the program right here in Colorado.
Please join me in supporting Reach Out and Read Colorado in its efforts to raise enough money to purchase 10,000 books in 24 hours. Gifts of any amount will be a vital boost to this effort. Donate now to improve literacy outcomes for Colorado children.
Thank you!


One Response to “Colorado Gives to Reach Out and Read!”

  1. Leandra Wallace

    It sounds like a terrific cause! Reading is so important when kids are young. I can't imagine not having been raised surrounded by books.