What exactly is a Picture Book Peek Week?

It’s my way of paying it forward to other writers. Several times a year I offer a contest on my blog during which writers can win a free critique of a fiction picture book manuscript. Become a follower of my blog or check “Picture Book Peek Weeks” on my contact form and you’ll never miss a… Read more »

Do you donate books to charity?

I do donate books to many charities with which I am personally connected. I’m willing to schedule author events in conjunction with charity events that make sense with the audiences and themes of my books. As I’m only given a limited number of my books free, I have to purchase them for donation. This makes honoring… Read more »

What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever received?

I’ve benefited from so much great advice over the years. And I’m forever indebted to the people who’ve shared it. But there is one thing I like to keep in front of me, kind of my go-to quote, where I try to land with all my kidlit writing. From editor Allyn Johnston “. . …. Read more »

I’ve written a children’s book. What now?

How exciting!! Congratulations!! I suggest you first contact your local chapter of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, explore their message board and check out all the resources they have available. Next, find a critique group either in your area or online. Here’s great advice about finding a group. Honest critiques of your… Read more »