LITapalooza 2024 was not just a literary love fest … but an educator, librarian, creator, young reader, young artist, organizer and volunteer love fest as well. I loved participating on panels chatting about SEL, poetry, picture books, writing buddies and more. Plus, I was thrilled to lead the Raise Your Antenna! Rev Your Imagination! Get Ready to Write! workshop for young writers at the first-ever KidLITapalooza. The workshop was such a hit that I’ll be adding it to my school visit programs menu.
Thank you to all who attended and to all the volunteers, booksellers (Anderson’s Bookshop) and organizers (I’m looking at you, Steph Olsen McHugh, Katie Praeger Reilley and Lorie Barber!) whose months of hard work and thoughtfulness added up to a magical and memorable two days. I was so grateful to be part of it.