A Glowing Review from PW for GROUP HUG!

Yippee! GROUP HUG got this gorgeous review from Publishers Weekly! And though I needed to consult my dictionary on several words, I’m totally okay with growing my vocabulary whilst celebrating! Thank you, PW!! 

“A yellow and orange slug in need of a hug finds a lonely beetle who could also benefit from the shoring up that can accompany physical contact. Their embrace sets off a growing collective clutch of woodland critters, all having a bad day for one reason or another (‘A groundhog, forgotten./ A goose, out of luck.// A fox nicknamed ‘Sneaky.’/ A moose, feeling stuck’) and each welcomed into the literal fold with the refrain, “GROUP HUG!” A bear “needing someone to care” momentarily tests the group’s resolve, but when the slug bravely proffers a hug, the others return from their respective hiding places to join the huddle once again. The economic text has a surfeit of aural pleasures, and Reidy (Truman) strikes a comic tone that never sinks into sentimentality: an overworked beaver is beckoned with ‘Come join our crew./ Let the hugging ensue!’ Digital art by Chou (Ways to Welcome) combines strong lines and shapes with intricate, expertly balanced overlays of color and texture. Together, text and art radiate a sense of unalloyed communal joy.”

GROUP HUG arrives in bookstores on 12/15/21.

To learn more or to preorder your copy, please check out my GROUP HUG book page!

With oodles of hugs,
