Hooray for Tortoise Quilts and Color Proofs!

With my latest picture book WHAT WOULD YOU DO IN A BOOK ABOUT YOU? (illustrated by Joey Chou) coming out in less than two weeks, friends outside of publishing might think that I’m spending all my time and energy on promoting that book. And while, yes, a portion of time – think launch event planning, preorders, social media, interviews – goes to that latest book, my older books are still being read and appreciated, and my future books are still proceeding down the path to publication.

Take TRUMAN (illustrated by Lucy Ruth Cummins) for instance. That book of my heart is still getting lovely attention and earning new fans every single day. And just this week, I received an amazing gift from one of them.

A Truman quilt! Look at those details. I’m in awe of it, as well as humbled by the words on the inscription patch. It’s such a wonder to see and hear how our books touch people’s lives and the connections readers make with a simple story.

And then a little later this week, I got to move on to a mini-celebration of my upcoming book GROUP HUG! illustrated by Joey Chou and coming out  11/2021 from

Macmillan/Holt/Godwin Books. I say “mini” celebration because the book isn’t final, final yet. But I did receive the color proofs – which is one of the last steps before it goes to print.

I love when color proofs arrive. Because by then, revisions have been made and rough patches smoothed over and I get to bask in something beautiful. And without giving away the whole book, these are BEAUTIFUL … and joyful and fun! I’ll be revealing the cover soon. But until then, I’ll give you an itty-bitty peek at those proofs.

Yes, when you write and publish for children, sometimes your head has to be in several places at once. But one thing is for certain, keeping up lockstep with every task, every t0-do, every turn of your head, there lies your heart!

Have a wonderful weekend, friends.