Schools and Libraries

Visits and Workshops

I love visiting with readers and writers of all ages. I’m available for high-energy, interactive presentations, workshops, school visits and storytimes customized to meet your needs. See my Visit Programs and Rates below.

To schedule an in-person school visit, please fill out my School Visit Questionnaire.

To schedule a virtual visit, please fill out my Virtual Visit Questionnaire.




Serving Up Stories: Beginner – Get ready for fun and learning as I lead students on a high-energy, interactive journey through the process of picture book creation – from dreaming up ideas through “make-a-mess” writing through storytelling art. Includes a picture book reading and Q&A if desired. (Grades K-1, 35 minutes, 45 minutes with Q&A)

Serving Up Stories: Intermediate – Here you’ll get all the facts and fun of the beginner session topped off with my Top Ten Tips for Young Writers, Poets and Artists. (40 minutes, 60 minutes with Q&A, Grades K-2, can add Grade 3)

Serving Up Stories: Advanced – Here you’ll get all the facts and fun of the Intermediate session with a short exploration of writing tools and revision on the side. (50 minutes, 60 minutes with Q&A, Grade 3)

Picture Books in Your Poetry Toolbox – Get ready to write! This high-energy, fast-paced workshop will introduce students to the poetry tools that will help them write better, read better, think better and dream better, using fun examples and exercises that will prove – you’re never too old for picture books. While smaller groups would allow for more personal feedback, larger groups work too! (60 minutes minimum, 75 minutes with Q&A, Grades 3-5)


Time Out for Classroom Q&A – Prior to your visit, and after reading a few of my books, have students develop questions about reading, writing, inspiration and more. Then, during the classroom visit, each student will get an individual minute to ask a question and chat a little. (30-45 minutes)

“What I Love Most” Classroom Critique Session – I love putting young writers and creators in the limelight. In this classroom session students will share their work – whether it’s writing, art or any creative endeavor. Then for each student, I’ll offer my 30-second “What I Love Most” critique. (30-45 minutes)

Creative Classroom Choice – I love to chat with smaller groups. Check out my free, downloadable curriculum guides or ask for my full menu of creative classroom activities to share during my individual classroom visit. (30 minutes)




Short and Sweet School Visit $500

My “Short and Sweet” School Visit includes a 30-60 minute visit program of your choice, plus time for autographing or chatting. This is perfect for grades K-2 or individual grade levels.

Happy Half-Day Visit $750

My “Happy Half-Day Visit” includes two 30-60 minute programs of your choice or 3-4 classroom visits or some combination of the two, scheduled entirely in either the morning or afternoon. And I’ll stick around for autographing of course. Tip: For schools with half-day kindergarten, we might be able to schedule a middle-of-the-day half-day session to accommodate morning and afternoon classes.

Fabulous Full-Day Visit $1200

My “Fabulous Full-Day Visit” can be structured to meet your needs. It can include up to three 30-60 minute programs of your choice and lunch with your young authors’ club. Or how about two programs and a couple of classroom visits? So much time. So many options. Let’s chat.

For sessions more than 20 miles from my home (Chicago) please add all necessary travel expenses ($.65/mile, possible hotel room, airfare). If significant travel time is necessary, I reserve the right to charge out-of-state rates.


Terrific Out-of-Town Visit $1500 minimum

I’d love to visit your school – even if you’re miles away. Invite me on your own or partner with other schools. I require a $1500 minimum total fee per day plus reimbursement of all travel, food and lodging expenses. Let’s chat!

Virtual Visits:
I do lots and lots of virtual visits every year. They’re easy to schedule and SUPER-FUN. Plus, we can meet up anywhere in the world. My full-length programs are $300, classroom programs are $100 and my introductory 15-minute virtual Q&As are completely Free. There’s so much we can do. See my School and Library webpage for details.

Jean regularly schedules complimentary or reduced-rate visits for schools in need. If you would like to inquire about such a visit, please email her at


“Jean Reidy was too wonderful!  Jean greeted students, teachers and parents with warmth and excitement.  Our students, from 5-10-years-old, enjoyed her interactive presentations.  It’s been two months since her visit and students are still connecting with Jean and her work.  She is inspiring!”

Jeanette Vilagi, Keystone School, San Antonio, TX

“Sensational!!  What a treat!!  Students loved Jean’s visit. Their participation in a fashion show and “bop orchestra” was more than fun. With Jean, learning is always a primary companion to her delightful entertainment.”

Karen Schlipman, St. Thomas More School, Centennial, CO

 “My kids LOVED the LIGHT UP THE NIGHT dance and detective game. Thank you for making your presentation interactive and including so many helpers. They were thrilled to participate. It was wonderful.”

Linda Deits, St. Mary's Academy, Englewood, CO

“I loved that you involved the children in your presentation and the ‘wheel’ where children picked a way to enhance and change their ideas. They couldn’t wait to write!”

Kelly Imus, Christ the King School, South Bend, IN

“Thank you sooooooooooooo much for giving our students such an amazing look into one of your books and connecting it to what they are learning in the classroom! You were all the talk in the hallways after the programs! It was so wonderful to see our students so excited about a book! I just can’t thank you enough!!”

Tonya Martin, Warren Township Schools, Indianapolis, IN., Virtual Visit

“Once again, you were just wonderful with my students. They were enthralled and so excited about meeting you. It was a great experience for them and for me too.”

Laurie Verdeschi, Tuckahoe Common School District, Southampton, NY., Virtual Visit

“I really enjoyed the visit! It was fun and engaging. The kids really enjoyed it and kept asking me to read your books and wanted to read them during DEAR time.”

Amdrea VanVooren, Kennedy Primary Academy, South Bend, IN

“Thank you SO much for your interactive visit today. It was fantastic! Our students loved it and talked about it all day. One of my students said that after hearing you talk about how some of our students might want to write or illustrate, he’s decided to become an illustrator. How great is that? 🙂 The Skype visit was kid-friendly and perfectly geared for us. The students were very excited to meet you. It was just a perfect way to start our day! Thank you!!!”

Vickie Johnson, Suisun Elementary, Suisun, CA, Virtual Visit
“Teachers, tell your students to get their pencils ready! Jean Reidy will inspire them to write. She delights in sharing her writing and her process with students. Not only did my class love her books, especially Pup 681, but they found her enthusiastic and encouraging. Jean talks about getting ideas, how illustrations enhance writing, and how to create stories with characters, settings, and problems. By the end of her time, my third-grade students felt like they could be writers themselves.”
Trecie Warner, Lois Lenski Elementary, Centennial, CO

“This is the best author’s visit we’ve had so far.”

Ms. Reyes, First-Grade Teacher, East Elementary, Zion, IL Virtual Visit

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