LIGHT UP THE NIGHT – Colorado Book Award Winner!

The week before the Colorado Book Awards ceremony, I debated whether or not to type out my 1.5 minute (Note: Well under the 3 minute limit!) “thank you” speech and book reading. After all, it was 3 measly sentences and one verse from my book. AND I’ve had my book memorized since long before it was published. AND I wasn’t gonna win anyway …

Well good thing I did because because by the time I hit the stage my hands were shaking and my voice was shaking and my brain had blasted off to some other stratosphere. Let’s just call me a “mess” shall we?

So if I didn’t have that little piece of paper, I might not have even remembered the title of my own book.

Thank you, Margaret Chodos-Irvine, my amazing illustrator and thank you, Colorado Humanities. I’m completely honored and excited.

And here’s the official link:

8 Responses to “LIGHT UP THE NIGHT – Colorado Book Award Winner!”

  1. Tara Dairman

    Hooray, Jean!! I'm so happy for you–and glad I got to hear you and so many of the nominees read in Denver! I can only imagine what an awesome experience Aspen must have been. Hope you're still celebrating!